Aim for movement not exercise
When you hear the word “exercise”, what comes to your mind? Usually to most people, it is visions of sweating at the gym, running or jogging, intimating machines and just another “chore” to add to your plate. It isn’t commonly envisioned with excitement and vigor. We live busy lives and with the stress of everything going on in the world right now, it’s no wonder the thought of exercise gets put on the backburner.
But how about this? Let’s try to reframe our ideas and beliefs around exercise as a whole. Let’s ask ourselves why we resort to the idea that exercise must be done in a gym or in a fitness class that you just never feel comfortable in? Let me be the one to tell you that you DO NOT have to go to the gym, you DO NOT have to run if it doesn’t make you happy. Instead of aiming for exercise, let us aim for movement instead. Aim to move your body every day in a way that feels good for you in that moment.
Ask yourself every day, what type of movement will make me feel good physically and mentally today? Maybe that IS in a gym lifting weights or running or perhaps it is simply going for a long walk with a friend, dancing in your living room, yoga, stretching or riding your bike. Any form of movement that will make you feel good and move you forward for the day is just as worthy as anything else. Let me repeat, it is JUST AS WORTHY as going to the gym. By doing what you enjoy rather than what you feel you have to do, you’re going to do it more often which leads to better health overall. You’re taking away the unnecessary pressure we place on ourselves to do things we don't enjoy for the sole purpose of what we think society thinks we should do.
Doesn’t that feel better, less stressful and more sustainable? Well, my friends, that is what wellness is supposed to feel like. If it doesn’t feel like that, it is time to rethink your beliefs around health. When we change the belief of having to do something to wanting to do something because it feels good to us, it becomes a habit rather than a chore.